Ever Experience Buyers Remorse?
If So, You Are Not Alone!  Find Out Why 70% People Experience Buyers Remorse (and How to Stop It!)
Get answers to your money habit questions with the Money Personality Report!
See what others have to say...
“I have found the Money Personality Assessment and Money Personality Report very helpful for my spouse and I to start communicating in our relationship. Our finances had become a bone of contention in our relationship - just talking about anything to do with money has resulted in conflict. We have been married 17 years. Consequently, we avoided communicating which was a great source of unhappiness for me. Because my husband has been more open to communicating about finances, I have been able to share with him a budget of our outgoings for the year to allow him to see actual costs. In the last week, my husband has been able to actually look at the outgoings I have prepared so we can see exactly where our money has been going. This has allowed us to work together more as a team. And because of this move forward - i.e. purchase an investment property.” - Kristy Warrent
Master Your Money Personality Combination
DOWNLOAD your Money Personality Report and learn how your Money Personality Combination can give you INCREASED CLARITY & CONFIDENCE in HOW you make decisions around money!
Maybe you wonder,
“Why is it so hard for me to save money?”
“Why do I always like to take risks and others don’t”
“Why do others care so much about money and I don’t” or “others don’t appreciate my money planning.”

It’s these thoughts that cause you to have money frustration, such as beating yourself up because you bought a shirt that wasn’t on sale or spending an entire paycheck on new furniture without considering putting anything away for savings or an emergency.
Every person on earth, including you, has a unique Money Personality Combination. Understanding your combination will transform your clarity and confidence with money.
See what others have to say...
“[The Money Couple] have totally changed my view on money and my relationships with others. I am now more aware of my habits and I'm sensitive to the habits of others in regards to spending and saving.” - Nikkieta D'Souza
The Report Includes:
  • Learn how your Money Personalities work together (or NOT!)
  • Discover your “power words”
  • Never doubt your money decisions again
  • Find out how rare your Money Personality Combination is
  • Learn from relationship experts, The Money Couple
  • Experience a new level of clarity & confidence
More money won't solve the problem.
This science-based blueprint has been formulated with the results of your 50-question Money Personality Assessment.

And it’s backed by hundreds of hours of research, including validation from Dr. Kirk Cameron -- the founder and president of MacStat Consulting, a statistical consulting firm specializing in scientific data analysis, statistical design, problem solving, social science research, and medical and environmental statistical applications.

Your Money Personality Report is designed to help you take a deep dive into your relationship with money so you can stop feeling guilty about how you spend your money.

Once you understand the science behind how YOU view money you’ll be able to put an end to any internal money conflicts so you can build a happy, healthy, and stable future for yourself.

Answer the questions you have around why you spend / save money the way you do by downloading the Money Personality Report now!

When you dig into your Money Personality Report you begin to see the patterns of who you are.

There isn’t a right or wrong Money Personality Combination! Do you want affirmation of who you are? How you save or spend??

Often we find ourselves just doing what we have always done then being frustrated with the result (and at times even feeling like we are failing!) This does not have to be the case when it comes to how you spend / manage / save your money.

Money is simply a resource to be utilized in creating the life we want.

There is so much freedom in accepting ourselves and removing the guilt from our money relationship.

It is not the end game, it is not the destination... no more than the flight to Tahiti is the vacation...

You don't get off of a flight and say "well that was great... hope to do that again", it is simply the tool to get you to your destination.

The same goes for money. Now let's figure out why you are not ending up in Tahiti!

YOUR Money Personality Combination is a deal changer!
See what Jamie has to say about how her and her husbands 4 Money Personalities work together!
In addition to YOUR MONEY PERSONALITY INSIGHTS REPORT you will receive the:
Money Launchpad!
Launch your relationship to new heights!
 You will receive:
  • Get your Relationship & Money in Order video - that lays the foundation for you
  •  The Money Decision Equation Calculator - how do your money decision making differ 
  •  Unconfuse your Money video - getting your approaches sorted out 
  •  Follow along Guide - to make things easy 
  •  Stop fighting about money video - learn how to stop fighting about money 
  •  The Money Fight Trigger Buster - what is your money fight approach?
It's fun and takes less then an hour to go through!
AND Money Launchpad!
Normally $100
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About The Money Couple
Scott & Bethany Palmer have dedicated their lives to helping others strengthen their relationships with the 5 Money Personalities. With 43 years of combined financial planning experience, they are regulars on national TV and radio, and speak internationally about love and money.

They have put in countless hundreds of hours of research into the Money Personality Insights Report, and even enlisted the support of a Stanford educated statistician.
© 2019 The Money Couple
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